Recipe card

mug pancake!

is it a pancake? no! but it tastes like one!
flour, sugar (can substitute honey), baking powder, milk/water/liquid, Egg

Recipe card
  • get a microwave safe mug! if it's a short mug, get a plate to put underneath for when the cake overflows.

  • put about six spoonfulls of flour in your mug, or pour it until it's like a fourth of the volume of the mug. trust me

  • one small spoonful of sugar!

  • for small mugs, add a shallow spoonful of baking powder. for large mugs, go for at least one big spoonful.

  • Recipe card
  • take a fork and mix those dry ingredients! you might think "oh, i can just use a spoon!" do not do this. you Will end up with dry powdery bits at the bottom of your mug hiding in the corners and ruining the last bite of your cake. target those corners at the bottom the most!! they won't get away with it this time!!!

  • add your egg!!! crack it one-handed to instill that Howell Jenkins swag B)

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  • add your milk or other watery liquid! do this little by little while mixing until it's a consistency that makes you think "wow, that's cake batter!" if you go too far and end up with soup, just add some more flour and keep trying. it's ok

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  • take the fork out and THEN put it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes!
    i actually always punch in a number ranging from 87 to 93. i don't remember why. it doesn't finish cooking the cake.
    keep an eye on your cake in case it spontaneously combusts or leaps out of the mug. not so that you can do anything about it, but just because it would be cool to see that happen. also this is a good time to wash your fork

  • Recipe card
  • your cake probably won't be finished cooking the first time around. depending on the weather, altitude, and humidity, your ideal microwave time will be different and unique. now take your clean fork and poke around in the middle. if it's still kinda soupy, microwave it again for another thirty seconds and repeat until it's no longer wet in the middle.
    if you're using a massive mug, you may want to push the soup in the middle out to the edges, making your cake a bowl shape.

  • Recipe card
  • sniff the air. does it smell like bread? or like pancake?

  • i like to top my breadcake with coarse sea salt and butter! you can also make this recipe with oil and more baking soda instead of the egg, but it will taste less like a pancake.

  • and you're done! how did it taste? next time you make it, you'll have an idea about how to tweak the proportions.

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