rice crispy!
This is not a place of honor.
marshed mallow
riced crispy
get a microwave safe bowl! try to find one that is very smooth and does not have bumps or texture for your Crispies to stick to. heed my warning
take your butter and rub it over the bowl to aid it in its frictionless quest. this step is optional because sometimes the heart do what it do and don't what it don't.
put marshmallows in the bowl. i usually go for 5 of the big ones. if you have little ones, follow your heart.
stick that bad boy in the microwave! press the thirty second button and stop it when the marshmallows are at their peak biggest size. try not to let them get cooked longer than that.
set the (hot!) bowl on the counter and pour rice crispies all over the bowl and quickly begin stirring before the marshmallows cool. try to use silverware that is smooth and easy to clean, like chopsticks.
you will discover there is a maximum amount of rice crispies that will stick to your amount of marshmallows. should you exceed this amount or merely want More, add more marshmallows and repeat the process. know that this will make your first batch of Crispy harder to chew.
congratulations! you made a Rices Crispedy.
how did it taste? next time you make it, you'll have an idea about how to tweak the proportions. good luck cleaning your bowl :(
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