operation Cool Hoodie!
The Plan
September 27th, 2023
in RWBY: Ice Queendom, ruby wears this cool hoodie. I love it. I want it.

however, upon closer inspection, this hoodie is actually a cropped jacket on top of a black hoodie. this is something that i would not wear, due to it looking strange in real life and also due to it being too warm. so instead, I'm slowly making a hoodie inspired by but not limited by her design. here's the plan.

The Stencil
October 14th, 2023
my cool older sibling made me a stencil because they already had all the equipment and skills :) thank you cool older sibling who will remain anonymous!

The Fabric Paint
November 25th, 2023
so. the fabric paint i bought was very much Liquid. it was designed to soak in to the fabric, not sit on top. and i was working with the black hoodie as a demo run.
i poured that entire bottle into the hoodie and you could not tell.
cool older sibling strikes again! they gave me the remnants (haha) of their red fabric paint, and i just barely managed to stretch it far enough to fill the stencil, giving it this cool distressed look!
don't mind the mess going on in the corners lol I love going ham on the magic eraser tool before posting things online
Fabric Paint part 2
January 11th, 2024
behold! i did it again! i was a bit more careless doing this hoodie, so there's a few places where the paint rolled under the stencil and one spot where i accidentally whacked the fabric with a wet paintbrush, but i'm still happy with it!

the seamripping begins!
January 22nd, 2024

i hand-sewed this bit just because, and i didn't look up how to do a stretch stitch beforehand so instead i did a blocky -|_|- sort of thing. i hope it stays!
finished product!
January 25th, 2024

i did it!!! i finished another long hard cool art project!! it went really well, too! i used a sewing machine (my fingers got tired) and spent several evenings seamripping while watching movies i'd never heard of in tubi's lgbtq category. did you know zuko is in 'but i'm a cheerleader!'? that was cool. anyway, hope this inspires you to make your own set of cool hoodies! thanks for tuning in!