how to burn a CD

things you'll need:

disc drive! if your computer doesn't have one, you can get an external USB one for about $20

you will also need some mp3 files to put on ur cd! you can get these by ripping them from CDs, buying digital albums, and more glorious methods. check if your local library uses freegal music! it lets you download 7 mp3s every week while also supporting your library!!

  • put your CD in ur disc drive!
  • open up Window's Media Player Legacy. here's a list of other programs that should work: [i don't know yet]
  • someday i will come back here and add screenshots and things, but basically there's a tab in there that says Burn and you can just dump your files there and arrange them and then tell it to put it on ur CD and your disc drive will go vvvVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM it's awesome
  • and that's it!