Recipe card


comfort food AND vegetables!!
ground beef/turkey, cabbage, 2 onions, coconut aminos (it's with the sauces), and optional bell peppers

Recipe card

be warned i haven't made this in a while and i'm not 100% sure if this is the order the steps go in

  • cut up 2 onions and start carmelizing them
  • if you're using peppers i think they go in at this step as well
  • brown the ground meat

  • Recipe card
  • cut up the cabbage into a large pile of cabbage that will fit in ur pan
  • when the onions are carmelized, pour in the cabbage and pour a bunch of coconut aminos on it
  • add the browned meat and stir it around until the cabbage is a texture you want to eat

  • and then enjoy!! coconut aminos are marketed as a soy sauce substitute but it's just so good as its own sauce!! i love it so much :)

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