Cereal Land

i sure spent a lot of time on this server! but i was a kid back then, and my minecraft username was TiffaniPokemon. my name is not Tiffani, or Tiffany, or anything remotely close to this. why did i make it TiffaniPokemon? because my first pokemon game was pokemon black, and little me decided that Hilda looked like her name would be Tiffani, and Tiffani was a really cool pokemon character. i loved her spikey hair. so that was my minecraft username! for a long time!! and then I finally changed it to starsprite. Cereal Land was a towny server, and its code required my username to be TiffaniPokemon in order to know that i was the mayor of my little town named Venus. so when i logged on as starsprite, it didn't know who I was, and I couldn't build in my own town. it's understandable that the mods didn't take me seriously when i said i was actually the owner and I changed my username, because that's a pretty straightforward way to try and commit mild minecraft crimes, but apparently there was just ?? nothing i could do???? so i left the server ????? and it doesn't really exist anymore ???????? no hate to them though
my favorite things about Cereal Land were that it had a fantasy race thing, where you could chose to be a merperson and then be able to breathe underwater, or you could be an elf and get night vision, or things like that. it also had the occasional fishing contest, where everyone would drop what they were doing to fish, and the fishing plugin would tell you how big the fish you caught were and the winner would get in game money! that was fun.

The Floating Ice Rink

this is why i made this minecraft shrine!!! this floating ice rink!! i made it in survival!!! i had to wait for the ice to freeze!! i had to struggle to get glowstone because the torches would melt the ice!!! it was at the max build height and fit the exact bounds of the chunks i had claimed for my town. and this is the ONLY screenshot i have of it!!! i used to throw parties up there and give everyone boats. it was great


remember what i was saying about building a tower everywhere i go? yep! this one was made out of red and white clay and was wayyyyy too big. could never stop monsters from spawning inside of it, so it became a sort of very unsafe mob farm!

A Little Town Called Venus

that's my house up on the mountain! you can see most of the town surrounding it! i think this was the only time i ever lived in a minecraft town with other actual people

So Anyway, Here's WaterWall

it's a very good joke and i did actually make it before the dragon prince did

the ice rink was the foundation for the water wall, so you can get a sense of how big it was from this!

Underground Tunnels

this screenshot was just named 'underground tunnels'. i do not remember where they went to, but hark!! the pattern continues!!!