wintercrest is currently the minecraft server i'll go back to whenever i start getting back into the minecraft groove again! it's a really fun and friendly community, and the server is always doing something cool and exciting! it's got a nice stable staff system and i've never heard of any drama there! it's run by someone who knows what she's doing!
here's sprite tower (left) and Titan's Tower (right)!

i love me a good waterwall
Titan's Tower
the Teen Titan's Tower doubles as my little shoppe, which was a ton of fun to run!

Floor -2

this floor was the bookshop floor! there used to be a button hidden in the fireplace that activated pistons in the wall that would reveal a secret passage into the tunnel network that led to the secret hideout underneath the Secret Diner, but too many people new to the server would just punch through the wall and then leave it open, so i got rid of that. there's been a lot of anti-grief protections installed since then, so maybe i'll try and set it up again someday!
Floor -1

this is the potion floor! it's supposed to be themed after Raven from teen titans because she was my favorite. i didn't usually sell the super epic potions, but they were just so fun to make that i made them anyway!
Floor 1

when you step on the pressure plate it plays the "when there's trouble, you know who to call" jingle with noteblocks :)
Floor 2

pretty sure bees were added to minecraft while i was playing, so they were new back then!
Floor 3

my little nether shop was really only useful because of its glowstone stock, which was minimal but in high demand. again it's just fun to have a reason to go into the nether :)
Floor 4

a lot of this wool was dyed white wool, but i did begin experimenting with afk wool farms!
Top Floor

Secrets Diner

the secrets diner didn't look that fancy, but i think i once had it set up so people could warp in and i could take their order and serve them porkchops wendy's style. there were four different ways to get from the diner to the secret hideout below. there was a trapdoor operated by a button that was mounted above a 1x1 painting covering up a tunnel, so when the trapdoor goes back down with you still standing there, it pushes you into a crawling position, and you can crawl into the tunnel. there was a 4x4 painting that was hollow except there was nothing inside except a sign saying "haha you thought you'd found it but ya didn't" or something like that. there was a really hard to do one in the roof seating area where there were buttons everywhere and if you found the right one, a hole would open up under your feet and drop you into the slime pit in the hideout. the redstone broke a long time ago though. my favorite one was a really big painting with a door behind it. so you press the button, you hear the door open, but it only stays open for a second and you don't know where it is and the painting is one block up from the floor, so you gotta figure out where the door is and then time it just right to get inside. it was a lot of fun!
/Home Howl

/home howl was created when i wanted to try and make an actually pretty house in a biome that wasn't constantly snowing. it's not possible to simply build a normal house, though! /home howl is actually just the pretty enterance to a big vault of all my belongings, and then a ladder down into my most ambitious project yet...
The Natural History Museum

i started out trying to make a massive map art of the blue calamintha bee, but it was my first time making map art and I do not respect the grind, it is not for me. rest in peace random plot somewhere with a third of a bee on it.
the museum has this cool center with alternating colors of stained glass over glowstone giving this cool warm glow effect, and the rooms are arranged in a square grid design. there's a few tunnels that go through the exhibits, and the plan was to have a cute little extra educational room on the other side, like when there's a tunnel for kids to crawl through at the bee museum and on the other end there's a bee related game to play or something. the cow exhibit was going to have tons of information about the greenhouse gas effect and how the cattle industry plays a role in it. probably everything in there could have a climate change tidbit, really! but essentially, i wanted to try and make a functional educational museum for my server to enjoy! will i ever finish it?
honestly? probably! Wintercrest is an absolutely incredible server because multiple times, I have spent over two years offline, and when i log back in, everything is UNTOUCHED. no builds gone, nothing griefed, no items gone. even my animals are all still there!! and that's why Wintercrest is the best server i've ever been on!
oh yeah also one of the mods helped me decide what my college major would be and i'm happy with my choice so thanks again bloodjen lmao